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Honeymoon trip around the world
News from Monika & Michal
Our trip – what's up with us
From Pacific via SE Asia to South America

Read the interview with us in magazine

Photos from Monika & Michal Photo by stage of trip:

CategoryPhotos by country:

Photos from Monika & Michal

Iquitos - a market

Iquitos - a market


Patagonia - El Chalten 20

Patagonia - El Chalten 20


We are a just married & happy couple and we are doing our best to follow our dreams. So, we are on one-year-long honeymoon trip around the world.

Check out our photos and stories.

Monia - Monika Przybysz,
before Monika Karolak
Michal Przybysz
Your photos and stories

We would like this site to capture happy trips and adventures of families and couples. No matter if you are married or not! No matter if this a honeymoon or a short trip to the countryside or a longer one to New York, Mexico or just outside you house.

Please add your photos and stories. Let's show together to other people, how our dreams are coming true and how we are enjoying our lives.

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Few seconds before ...

Few seconds before ...


Egypt - Beduins Vil...

Egypt - Beduins Vil...


typical family in r...

typical family in r...
